About Saba

Hi Viewers

Welcome one!  Welcome  All!!


It is the first 4 alphabets of my late father’s name and LOG from the original name of web log.

About me ?

Born & bred in Jaffna, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) a tiny island in the Indian Ocean. Always been a bibliophile whether it is Tamil Language or English.

Eager to pen (nowadays type)  but never found the time nor confidence.

My first public writing would have been a few lines to the “Letters To The Editor” of the Ceylon Daily news. That was thirty years ago during  the early nineteen eighties  when I was  in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka.

As I was slowly gaining the confidence to write further, the environment of Sri Lanka changed in the form of pogrom. Soon after the unforgettable black July in 1983, many Lankans left the country for good. I was fortunate enough to settle in Australia.  Australia is  my home away from home for the past quarter of a century.

I am indebted to Transcurrents.com (DBS Jeyaraj), Tamil Week.Com  & Thiruvedkai.com (K.Thirukumaran)  for publishing my articles on their websites since 2010.  Their continuous support has boosted my confidence colossally.

I intend to write my thoughts and ideas which interest me and it may well attract alike.

Thank you for visiting my space.

Kind regards



Twitter @ saba-thambi



03.06 2015

PS: I have also  started a Tamil blog ” irrakukal palavitham” . Please feel free to browse through if you could read Tamil Language.








39 thoughts on “About Saba

  1. I have not yet been to Sri Lanka but will be so excited when i finally get there. I have only heard amazing things about Sri Lanka from other travellers. I look forward to reading more of your posts as your blog has a lot of variety in it. Thanks for dropping by mine. I appreciate it. Have a great day blogging and happy travels always, Cheryl from Four Camels and A Coffee To Go

    • Thank you for stopping by.
      I could see from your blogs that you have caught the travel bug !
      I am sure one day you will reach Sri Lanka. It is a beautiful country if and if there is good governance.
      Have a great day!

      Happy blogging.

  2. “Pottu -face” has made you go through a blog.
    Pottu, not small but quite big, has been in my face for decades and I am proud of having it, no matter wherever I go.
    Many in Australia, Canada and U.S asked me about the significance. I explained the value of the “pottu” in my own way. My own kith and kin make fun of me saying that “pottu” is very big. It is the way I like.
    Nice to find that you follow Meenas Poems.
    Hope they appeal to you.
    All the very best.

  3. Ayubowan Saba! Appreciate the like on my WPC Object photo. Thanks for the dropping by.
    I visited your beautiful country 2 years ago. Had a wonderful and an unforgettable time taking in the sights and sounds and of course the rich flavor of ceylon tea! I wrote about the trip in my blog. Havent put up all the photos yet tho.
    So here’s to WordPress and the wonderful world of blogging!

    • Thanks for stopping by. Its good to hear that you have enjoyed your stay in SL. Would love to see the photos one day.
      Take care

  4. hello Saba – so glad you took the jump and became a blogger. Looks like you’ve been at it for a year now (I started a little later)… I love being able to connect with bloggers all around the world just by sitting at my computer. It is always inspiring to see other people engage in creative self-expression and sharing it with the rest of the world.

  5. Thanks a lot for liking so many posts (artwork) of mine. I find your blog interesting, hence following…
    I am addressed as Kiran by my family and friends but chose to be known as ‘karunita’ in the web- world as this is how my late father fondly called me!
    Keep in touch!

  6. Hi, thank you for following my blog and liking numerous posts. I’ve been trying to get to your blog for some time – but the ipad wordpress app. shows an error while opening your blog. However, finally i’ve found it …. love your work!

  7. Thank you Saba… for leaving your footprints … it lead me to your site. I looked around and like what I have read so far. Will be back for more and look forward to future postings. ☮

    • Hi Tomas
      It was beautiful to read your “about” page and your short stay in SriLanka within a hotel. Hope you could return to SL one day to view the natural beauty of the Island.
      kind regards

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